BMS Organics Oscar Man Oatmilk is a nutritious beverage of multigrain blending with 2 unique energy-boosting ingredients - maca and guarana, especially good for men health. With the combination of cocoa and coffee, it makes this product a perfect mocha drink that increases energy level and boosts stamina as well as replenishes daily nutrient needs.
- Good for Men Health
- Prebiotic Source
- Lactose Free
- Cholesterol Free
- No Artificial Colouring, Preservatives and Additives
Brown rice, black bean*, oligosaccharide, coconut oil powder, low GI cane sugar, cocoa powder, oat, brown rice, wheat, black glutinous rice, barley, buckwheat, millet*, soya bean*, red lentils, mung bean, quinoa, coffee powder, cane sugar*, minoa, Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) oil powder, pumpkin extract, maca powder*, guarana extract, almond powder and inulin.
Product of Malaysia
Suggested Consumption Method:
Mix 2 scoops (40g) Oscar Man Oatmilk with 250ml warm water. Stir well and serve.
*Spoon (20g) provided
Storage Method:
No artificial preservatives added. Store in a cool, dry place. Once opened, please close tightly and consume within 60 days for its best quality.
蔬事绅士燕麦奶是个营养丰富的多谷混合饮料,其融合了2种独特的成分 - 玛咖和瓜拉那,对男性健康有益。 与可可和咖啡的完美结合,这款摩卡饮料有助于提高身体能量水平和补充元气,亦可补充每日所需的营养素。
- 有益于男性健康
- 益生元来源
- 不含乳糖
- 不含胆固醇
- 无添加人造色素、防腐剂和添加剂
- 马来西亚产品
*内附匙 (20克)